I had a lot of fun with this assignemnt because it does challenge my code knowledge and logic more since I can't see the code result immediately on paper. I need to think what will happen ever step. Something I also find very interesting is that everyone thinks very differently visually.
For example, for this sketch "Communications" by by Roni Kaufman, when I first saw the sketch, I thought this is just draw dots and cricles on a grid and have some of the parts of the circle not showing. However, when I look at the code, I realize it is much more complicated to aissign random arc form on a grid.
I was a litle lost in the end of the code where it draws the random PI arc based on the value of r. I looked over a couple times and still have no idea what r does, or what it is. I understand that it is a random value that randomly assgin how the arc shuold be drawn but why 2? Maybe I'm thinking it too complicatedly.
I was also a little confuse in the setup function on line 21 & 34. I'm not sure wherther if this is a new way of assigned array or replacing array. I looked it up and realized that it might be reassinging the objects in the array.