HW4: Control Panel

**Reading Response is at the end of this page**


**I designed the night mode UI of the website but didn't have enough time to finsih it**

NeoCities Website Link

💥 11/9/2022 - "Object Relations" Project Remix Experimental Website

This an experiemental website that aims to allow user explore relationships between different projects. Each 3D icon seen in the main canvas represent one project or a theme. By moving the the cursor around, the user is able to create connection lines between different project/ theme. The title text will display all themes that are connected to the current cursor. This is a way of remixing themes and see possibility of past ideas.


📈 Design & Problems

The sketch above is the initial design. As always, I didn't fully accomplish all functions, but the major ones are there.

1️⃣ ball & tubes & sliders

I intend to play with the slider and make it was 3d balls and tubes, which user can drag the ball around and also control the camera angel of the main canvas. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to style sliders and rotate the thumb/icon of the slider. In the final version (link is below the first image on this page), the ball image roates as you drag it across the tube(slider) on the top, making an illusion of that the ball is rolling across your webpage in a tube. I planned to have four edges of the website as the tubes(sliders); however, I wasn't able to style vertical sliders. In order to make the slider vertical I have to add "-webkit-appearance: slider-vertical" in the CSS, but in order to style it I need to add "-webkit-appearance: none". Can't have both... I looked all over the internet, and it seems like others are encountering the same problem too...


I also want the tubes to rotate, so the ball can roll freely on the website. didn't do this at the end because I realize creating a gravity system is too much for now haha.

2️⃣ mouseX & Y position not looping

Due to the time restrictions, I didn't all all my models in. There are only the fire extinguisher and trophy right now. When all is add, it shuold loook something like this (referenced from " Everything" by David O'Rielly).


The objects will move randomly around and the cursor can connect them together as shown in the p5 sketch below. However, in my final website, after I add many other functions the instant mouse XY position stops updating. It only updates it when you click on the canvas. This causes that the object connections are not in real-time... every word you see on the page is the connection the cursor made last time you click on the canvas, not where your cursor is currenlty at.

📕 "Glitch Feminism: A Manifesto" Reading Response

"embraces the casuality of an 'error'... the imperialist wrecking-ball of globalization-process that continue to enact violence on all bodies- may not, in fact be an error at all, but rather a much-needed erratum"

I absolutely agree with this idea. I've always understood the world this way and was never able to explain it to people. For the longest time, I thought I was the only person who really appreciated all the "errors" in life. I'm happy there are people who feel the same way and are linguistically well delivered to a larger audience.

Sometimes, I think people are too dependent on comfort. It almost seems like anything that may seem like a disdurbance of the "norm" is a threat but was never seen as a chance or an oppertunity. And technology was one of the way people have been creativity changed this perspective of being bothered, hurt, damaged, and transformed it into grounded and sloid growth. Being given these chagllenges are outside of our control, but being able to live it out is the true beauty of life.

I believe that the worst type of life are the ones that were never been given these chances to be diffrent nor challenge. Cherishing these glitches as oppertunitues are the magic we've been given as humans with profound, intricate and sometimes irrational intellegence and the ability to understand abstracted feelings and beings. The beauty of life is in the process of figuring things out. I truly think this is why we are all here, witnessing these change from each other and understanding who WE all are.