**Reading Response is at the end of this page**
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This is a sketch of a garden where user can draw anywhere on the canvas to plant flowers using their mouse.
I use "let" to declare a variable for the "erase" button, which can later be called in setup to create, resize, and position button.
I use "const" to declare a the particle class array and flower array since they will remain to be an array throughout the code. I am only chaning/making modifications to the objects in the array.
I use "=>" in the preload() to console.log which image has been loaded in the beginning.
Initially, I wanted to make a clear button to clean the canvas, but since it is drawing all images in the array, I have to clear the array to clean the canvas. I'm not sure how to do that , so I am only using shift() to remove the first flower from the particle array.
I was also having problem to use the arrow function to print out which flower the user is drawing. I tried putting in the flower class.show() fucntion but I don't think I did the syntax correctly. It keeps saying "flower is undefined".
I enjoy the reading this week a lot since generative design is one the things that get me into design and technology field/ IMA major. In the reading, this qoute that the author wrote inspire me the most,
"the designer shifts from being a performaer of tasks to being a conductor, effectively orchestrting the deicsion-making process of the computer(4)".
I've always think generative design has a lot of potential epseically in co-building a virtual world together since it can be modularized and anyone can have some input and then let time decides how it looks. It is a way to see the natue of logic and pure thoughts and ideas. I'm also working on a generative environment design in my Unreal Class. I can't wait what I can further explore with this topic.
I love the project "Collide" mentioned on page 30. It looks like what I was thinking for my final porject ReCode (click here to view) for the half semester class that just finished this week.