HW7: Glitch City Mobile App


📱 12/8/2022 - Glitch City Mobile App

I used the pwa boilerplate for my glitch city project, so now once people visit the my website link (link below) on their mobile device broswer, they can install the pwa app onto their phone home page and the city they created will be saved next time they open the app. The city position data are all stored in the app

The video above is a demo of how the app will look like on mobile device.

NeoCities Website Link

🎨 Design & Problems


I had a lot of problems with loading the gui library and the p5 glitch library. I later figured out that it is because of the order of the script link file. Gui library sohuld be imported before sketch and glitch libary can be inside the body tag. One thing I couldn't figure out is that is seems like it only works when I force refresh the page. When I just refresh the page, nothing happens. This happens everytime when I launch the webpage.